Our Team


Eric  Werhand received his Fish and Wildlife Management degree from Montana State University in 2003.  Within the past 20 years in the environmental consulting field he has participated in all phases of stream restoration, fishery enhancement, and pond construction projects.  This experience has led to wide-ranging knowledge of project design, site surveying, permit acquisition, project budgeting, construction oversight, and site reclamation.  These projects have encompassed a diversity of habitats from the freestone rivers of the Intermountain West to native Brook Trout rivers along the East Coast.

Striving to incorporate natural elements found in any healthy river channel, Eric is Trout Scape’s primary project designer.  His ability to “read” water and to design riffles, runs and pools that accentuate the river’s natural sinuosity is what leads to a successful restoration and enhancement project.  He is also Trout Scapes’ Technical Service Provider (TSP-16-21605) to the Natural Resources Conservation Service.  Eric lives in Livingston, MT with his wife, Jacquelyn and their two children.  To reach Eric:  [email protected] or (406) 580-9482.

Eric Werhand

Brian Cowden has a degree in Political Science from Ithaca College in upstate NY.  His love of fishing and hunting led him to learn about conservation issues and habitat restoration through both his volunteer and staff work with the leading coldwater conservation organization, Trout Unlimited, as well as attending various workshops and learning from his extensive networking connections.  He has been awarded several times for his work in conservation including the President’s Coastal America Award along with partners in the Lower Musconetcong River Restoration Partnership for restoration of anadromous fish passage and habitat through obsolete dam removals and channel restoration as well as the Conservationist of the Year (George P. Howard Award) by the New Jersey Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs and a National Youth Education Leadership Award from Trout Unlimited for his work with Trout In the Classroom in New Jersey, starting the program and growing it to over 100 schools statewide.

Brian comes to Trout Scapes after being the V.P. of Sales & Marketing for another Montana based river restoration firm.  Prior to that role, Brian worked at Trout Unlimited where he was on Eastern Conservation Staff for seven years as the Musconetcong Home Rivers Initiative Coordinator, working to restore and protect a major Wild & Scenic tributary to the Delaware River.  That work included restoring degraded river channels and banks on the mainstem and tributaries, removing obsolete dams, and working on critical lands protection for the “Musky” River in northwestern New Jersey where he lives with his wife, Maggie, and their daughter, Sarah.  To reach Brian:  [email protected] or (201) 230-3383.

Brian Cowden is the Musconetcong Home Rivers Initiative Coordinator for Trout Unlimited. Cowden wades into a back channel of the Musconetcong River in Mount Olive in waders to assess the change in the river after record flooding. 9/9/11 STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER/BOB KARP 2011
Brian Cowden


Our operators are all highly experienced in their field.  Trout Scapes is both a design and build firm, and our operators ensure our work is second to none.


Ron “The Cowboy” Weekes


Jeremy  Seif

Jake Seif